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Acute lung abscess, lung gangrene, minimally invasive methods of treatment, drainage ectopy, lethality, clinical case

How to Cite

Bobokulova, S., & Khamdamov, S. . (2022). TANATOGENESIS OF ACUTE PURULENT-DESTRUCTIVE LUNG DISEASES : on the example of a specific clinical case. JOURNAL OF EDUCATION AND SCIENTIFIC MEDICINE, 1(3), 27-31. Retrieved from https://mail.journals.tma.uz/index.php/jesm/article/view/323


The paper presents a description of a clinical case of drainage ectopy as a cause of death in a patient with a severe comorbid background. It has been established that in acute respiratory diseases of the lungs, a pronounced disturbance of metabolic processes occurs not only in the lung, in the form of a disorder of the surfactant forming function, but also by profound changes occurring in the lung tissue. As a result of this, a deficiency in the metabolic function of the lungs develops, which means combined disorders of the metabolic, surfactant forming and barrier functions of the lungs, leading to progressive destruction of the lung tissue with the formation of purulent-necrotic abscesses, generalization of the purulent-septic process with the development of septic shock, multiple organ dysfunction and death of the patient.

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