Purpose: to study the relationship between the lesion of feeding angiosomal arteries and the localization of purulent necrotic process of the feet in patients with diabetic foot syndrome.
Material and research methods: the results of examination and treatment of 119 patients for 2017-2020 are analyzed with purulent-necrotic lesions of the feet against the background of diabetes mellitus received inpatient treatment at the department of purulent surgery of the Tashkent medical academy.
Results and their discussion: according to our studies, with the defeat of feeding arteries, the probability of occurrence of purulent-necrotic complications of diabetic foot syndrome is 95% (in 113 patients out of 119). In most cases, the destruction of plantar arteries (distal branches of the PTA) occurred (47%). In these patients, after restoration of blood flow to the affected angiosomal, good and satisfactory results were obtained. In the basin of the medial plantar artery purulent necrotic process was observed in 29 (90.6%) of 32 patients, lesion of the lateral plantar artery in all cases (100%) led to trophic changes on the foot.
Conclusions: with the defeat of angiosomal arteries, the development of purulent necrotic processes with diabetic gangrene of the lower extremities is noted in 95% of cases. At the same time, the greatest probability of purulent necrotic foci was noted in patients with angiosomal lesions in the PA basin (100%) and ATA (92.2%).