Background. Despite the continuous search for new antibacterial drugs, the problem of combating purulent surgical infections of soft tissues remains one of the most complex and urgent. This is due to both changes in the etiological structure of pathogens and the rapid spread of antibiotic resistance among circulating strains.
Material. 105 patients (57 men and 48 women) with purulent-inflammatory soft tissue diseases aged 12 to 80 years were in the purulent surgery department of the multidisciplinary clinic of the Tashkent Medical Academy from 2018 to 2022 examined using the microbiological method.
Conclusion. The use of an express method for determining the antibiotic sensitivity of purulent discharge microflora in purulent-inflammatory diseases of soft tissues in cases of aerobic mono-infection, as well as mixed aerobic-anaerobic mono-infection, allows the use of adequate inotropic therapy in the early stages, which leads to a significant reduction in bed-days and a decrease in the incidence of secondary nosocomial infections.